Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 12 2011 - Shadow Brook

We were back in the park in the HQ area.  There was a report of a down tree on Shadow Brook Trail about 200 m east of the Schultz bridge at the Kirsch Trail.  It was there and not much of a problem.

 We took tools to take care of a slide but this was a total trail wash out, which required us to follow the detour through the tent cabins.

Lunch was at the bottom of Slippery Rock and along the way the mushrooms were springing up.  Some were even in decay from the October rains.
We did more brushing than clearing and completed the loop around Sequoia through the campgrounds back to the Kirsch trail.
I would like to thank the 13 volunteers who put in  85 hrs combined for a total of 926 hours for the year.  A good turn out for the party will put us over 1000 hrs for the second year in a row.  Hope to see you next month.

See you on the trails
