Sunday, March 9, 2014

MAR 2014 - No. Escape and Fence Building

The day's plan changed partly in that the fence work was on but there was the top of a Douglas Fir blocking the No. Escape past the first gate.  I took 5 crew members to open the road and Mike took the rest to work on building a fence across from the store.

 Fir Blocking No. Escape
 This Pacific Wren was not too happy with us rearranging his new home
 Half way by lunch
 200 years old
 One of the limbs on the Fir
 The dropping of the tree went better than I thought.  It slowly dropped to the ground in a very under whelming manor: quite nicely though.
 The bottom part of the fir
 Open by 1 pm and just in time: the park was full
 The tan oak wasn't large about 6" but it was enough to make it difficult to get around.  The other crew was busy building a new fence at the entrance of the parking area across from the store.
Nice looking fence and the two crews put in 79 hours and I would like to thank Janie, Mike, Peter, Michelle, Herman, Janette, Norm, Francis, and 2 new members Tim and Tyler.

See you on the trails.


Birds of the Day
Pacific Wren
Hermit Thrush
Acorn Woodpecker
Chestnut-backed Chicadee
Dark-eyed Junco, Oregon
Pygmy Nuthatch