Saturday, December 13, 2014

DEC 2014 - Hollow Tree and STS

Last work day of the year we had 10 crew members out so we split up into 2 crews.  One crew worked on the Hollow Tree Trail and I took one to work on the STS and Creeping Forest.
10" Tan Oak on the STS just before Maddox Cabin site.
 3 small things to clear on Creeping Forest

 Redwood to the sky

 A little rain and the shrooms come out

 Small but messy

 Slugs on the run

 Another small but messy blockage

 At last water after 3 year drought

 We thought we were done but came across 3 small trees across Gazos Creek Road

 Some new member for the year added to the strength of the crew
Holiday dinner at the Boulder Creek Brewery

In 2014 we had 33 people help out in maintaining the trails and we put in 852 hours.  Each work day we had over 7 members and up to 13.  I would like to thank Francis, Dale S., Mike, Norm, Janie, David B., Peter, Michelle David P., and Janette for the time they put in on this work day.  Hope to see you in the New Year.

See you on the trails.


Birds of the Day
Acorn Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
Pacific Wren
Hutton's Vireo
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Varied Thrush