Saturday, January 9, 2016

JAN 2016 - Sequoia and Creeping Forest

We had a surprise group joining us this work day: the California Conservation Corp (CCC), Monterey Bay.  There were 8 of them and with 12 regular crew out that made for a great turn out for the start of the New Year.

Dale S. and Dale P. with the CCC group started off on Creeping Forest Trail clearing a 10", 12" and 28" redwood. Fortunately it was only about a hundred yards from the 1st jump off to Gazos Creek Rd. After clearing these trees part of the CCC crew volunteered to walk Creeping Forest back to Sky Line to the Sea and meet us at headquarters for lunch. Note: they had a hand saw with them.
After lunch, we drove up to Middle Ridge Rd to the turn around, we found 24" oak across Middle Ridge, the portion that goes off to the right up the hill. There was also a 10" oak across Gazos Creek Rd. between the two sections of Middle Ridge Rd. After clearing these trees we headed back for lunch. After lunch we headed back out Gazos to Creeping Forest again, the volunteer walkers had found a tree across the trail. It was a couple hundred yards back toward Sky Line to the Sea from Dec's tree. As Dale S. was getting his chain saw ready to go, I politely pointed out that wecould have taken out this 8" madrone with a hand saw.

I took a second crew to look for a reported blockage on Shadowbrook near Sempervirens Falls.  We didn't find anything but the falls.
  2nd Crew

Sempervirens Falls            Road up Slippery Rock

We hiked up Slippery Rock and over Hwy 236 along the Sequoia Trail.  About 1/2 mile down the other side we found a partially clear Fir.  We did a couple of cuts but my saw saw a too small for the 3-4' tree.  We clear the rest to reduce trip hazards and fixed up trail.

 The first crew was lead by Dale S. and Dale P. with CCC volunteers Andrew A., Daniel M., Ryan H., Trevor H., Nicholas G., Richard T., Charles C., Robert F. and the second crew was made up of Janie, Jan, Bill, Norm, David B., David P., Michelle, Peter, and me.  Total hour that were put in were 190.  That's a great start for the new year.

See you on the trails.

Jeff and Dale S.
Photos by: Jeff and Dale S.

Birds of the Day
American Robin
Common Raven
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Hairy Woodpecker
Townsend's Warbler
Steller's Jay
Hutton's Vireo

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