Saturday, December 10, 2011

December 10 2011 - Tale of 3 Crews

Two weeks ago we had a wind storm with winds up to 50 mph and it took out the power in the Valley for up to 5 days with our power being out for 4 days.  So you would expect that there would be numerous reports on the big board, but there were only a few reports.  We had a great turn out for our last work day of 2011 with a total of 19 volunteers.  We decided to break up into three groups, I lead one back to the Shadowbrook slide to put up detour signs, Dale P. took a crew from HQ up STS towards the Connector on report of a 10" Oak with a whip saw, and Dale S. took a crew up to Sunset and Middleridge to take care of a slide on Sunset and to look at a report of two 4 foot redwoods down on STS.  So off we went.
Along Shadowbrook there was only a few small items to take care of with most being branches on the trail.  We placed the detour signs and decided to go back along East Ridge Trail.
On the downward side of East Ridge we came across a very large branch that sticking strait out of the ground.
The last thing we came across was an oak across Shadowbrook before the campground but had to leave it since we only had a small hand saw but after clearing around it before that was the end of the day.

The Dale S. group first cleared a small slide caused by a Douglas fir that had fell across Sunset Trail.  After that was cleared, they headed off to a couple 4 foot diameter trees across the STS trail.
Looking across a gully, we saw the two trees, and off to the right of them was the Dale P. group.
They were busy clearing the trail from their end, as a tree had come down there also. They were able to clear that tree from the trail.  As we came around the last turn to the trees, the trail didn't look too bad.  All the fun stuff was on the other side. The trail was covered with limbs from these three trees, all the way to where Dale P. group started, about 100 feet away and they couldn't see the other two trees because there was a turn in the trail just before them. 
After we cleared the trail, we tunneled under the two large trees so that hikers could safely pass by.

We ended the day with all the groups meeting up at HQ.  There was a Boy Scout Group out, well 3 adults and 1 Scout, a new member Travis, and most of the regulars Gene, Janette, Janie, Bill, Dale P., Josh, Francis, Tom, Dale S., Norm, Micheal, and me.  We racked up 120 hours for the day and 1045.5 hours for the year.  This is the second year we broke 1000 hours and the most since I've been keeping record in 2006.  Thanks to all.

Another thanks for Dell, Carol, and Jeannine for cooking and getting the food together for the afternoon get together.  It was a good turn out with 28 people showing up.  The big hits were the abalone and salmon cakes, the smoke chicken, and the pot roast (as usually).  It was a good time and a great way to end the year.

I would like to wish all of you a happy and safe holiday season and hope to see you next year as we keep our favorite Park's trails clear and safe.

See you on trails.


A special thanks to Dale S. for photos and write up on there activities.

Here's the bird list for the day

4  Steller's Jays
7  Hermit Thrush
20 Varied Thrush (most along East Ridge)
2  Pacific Wren
6 Chestnut-backed Chickadee
1  Raven
1 Pygmy Nuthatch
4 Acorn Woodpeckers
2  Brown Creepers
2 Band-tailed Pigeon (Near the top of East Ridge)
4 Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
2  Townsend Warblers
1  Ruby-crowned Kinglet
1  Hairy Woodpecker