Saturday, November 14, 2015

NOV 2015 - Redwood Loop

It started out cool and we start a little early.  I arrived around 8:30 to scope out the work needed to repair the fence around the Redwood Loop Trail.  The Redwood Loop was one of the first things I worked on when I joined the BBVTC back in 1996.  Someone had the idea that instead of using the old style of using wire to secure the rails to the post that bolts would be better.  Well, between then and now the fence was back to using wire and the bolts were gone.
Unloading the Posts and Rails

 Wiring the Rails to the Posts

Work preping for the repairs

Lunch in the Amphitheater

Prepping to replace the posts 


 We finished around 4pm but there was still at least another good days work left.  We put in 93 hours with the help of Norm, Dale S., Jan, David P., Herman, Janette, Peter, Michelle, Mike, David B., and new member Barry and with help from park interpreter Susan.

 Our Dusky-footed Woodrat would like to reminder you of the Dec 12th Holiday Get Together

See you on the trails


Birds of the Day
Pacific Wren
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
Steller's Jay
Acorn Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
Chestnut-back Chickadee
Spotted Towhee
Varied Thrush