Sunday, January 13, 2013

Januray 12, 2013 - Falls

It was a very cool morning and we had a good start of the new year with 13 members and one new showing up.  We were going to work the inner Falls loop but decided to head out to the Falls starting at Sunset camp. 

Peter and Michelle had to leave early so they headed out to Sequoia Trail to clear an old Madrone.
On the way out to Sunset Camp the guy with the train in the middle of the redwoods has made some good progress on his tree mansion.

We split up into two crews with Dale S. taking one crew down Sunset to Timm's Creek and I took the other half down the Berry Creek Falls Trail.  Golden Falls was a beautiful sight with a lot of water flowing over it.
After clearing a blockage at the trail head at Sunset we found an oak and a Redwood on the trail between Silver and Berry Creek Falls.
We had to leave the Redwood since it was loose and keep sliding down the hillside but we were able to open up a navigable path around it.
The highlight of the day was seeing Berry Creek Falls.  It was a perfect time of day when we got there and the sun was shining through the mist and creating rainbows
The final blockage for us was Redwood limbs and a 16" oak that had fallen onto the trail.  It took about 6 cuts to clear it off the trail.
Dale S's group cleared 8 trees, (not counting the tree were we split into the two groups), using the chain saw only once.  Our new member, Casey, was energetic and in one case he was over half way through a 10" tree with a pulaski before Dale's group caught up to with him. 

We were able to complete the 4.1 mile loop with both crews meeting at the Timm's Creek tree bridge almost half way.  We headed back along Timm's to Sunset and it turned out to be a long day with us getting back to HQ after 5 pm.  We put in 117 hours and I would like to thank Kathy, Fran, Gene, Janie, Francis, Norm, Dale S., Dale P., Janette, Peter, Michelle, and the new volunteer Casey.

See you on the trails

photos by Peter and Jeff
birders Janette, Gene, Kathy, and Jeff

Birds of the Day
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Chestnut-back Chicadee
American Robin
Varied Thrush
Northern Flicker
Anna's Hummingbird
Band-tail Pigeon
Townsend's Warbler
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Brown Creeper
Acorn Woodpecker
Common Raven
Pacific Wren
Hairy Woodpecker