Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 8, 2012 - Sunset & Sequoia Trails

It has been a rainy month with almost 20" falling in Boulder Creek since the last time we were out.  On the big board was 2 areas that had reports of downed trees: Sunset and Sequoia Tails.  We split up into 2 crews with Dale P. taking one crew to work on Sequoia and I took one to Sunset.

 Trail Map of Work areas

 14 Crew Members Showed Up at HQ

My crew drove up Gazos Creek Rd to Middle Ridge and then hiked in to the first blockage a 4 ft Redwood.

Dale S. started working on the Redwood and some of the crew headed down the trail as scouts. 
Opened after some work

The scouts returned with a report of another blockage at the Sunset Connector junction.  A 30" oak had fallen right through the Connector and it was about 8 feet above the trail at this end.

As normal we took care of the small stuff and then worked on the main section.  It took about 10 cuts and boy does a sharp chain make a difference.  On this cut Bill was looking for his glasses, which were most likely knocked off clearing the limbs.  Fran walks up and spots them under the far section of the trunk that was about a minute from being cut through.  Pretty lucky.
 No V-cut needed

 Dale's crew watching the last section being rolled off the trail

 Just like new

We ended the day with our annual gathering and this time we were back at the start, the Boulder Creek Brewery.  They had hired a new chef a few months ago and the food was much better.
I would like to thank the 21 members that turned out over the year and today's crew Dale P., Kathy, Norm, Dale S., Janie, Bill, Francis, Gene, Janette, Fran, Mike, Peter, and Michelle with Jeannine, Roger, Anita, and Manny joining us at the Pub.  It was close but we did break the 1000 hour mark for the 3rd straight year with 1009 hours. 

See you on the trails

Photos by Kathy, Jeff, and a friendly patron at the pub.


A note from a member:

Hi trail crew,

I came to California from Ireland over 20 years ago. I thought it was the greatest place on earth and still do. However, times move on and I am relocating my family to upstate New York where my wife has an exciting job offer.

I have had a pretty adventurous time here on the west coast. I know I will be telling my kids years from now, how, when I was on the trail crew, we dug out mountains and built bridges with our bare hands, while fighting off wild boar and mountain lions, stopping only to drink from a nearby stream and catch our breath....right?

Best of luck to you all and make sure you protect those truly precious Redwoods for when I come back.


Birds of the Day
Acorn Woodpecker
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Pine Siskin
Pileated Woodpecker
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Steller's Jay
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Brown Creeper

For the year in the park my bird highlights were the Hermit and Varied Thrush which were very numerous on the East Ridge trail.  The Sharp-shinned Hawks were a first for me in the park and Kathy saw one take a bird in flight today.  But my favorite was the disrupted Red-Breasted Nuthatch, which showed up in mass in September and continues. A good year for the birds.
Red-Breasted Nuthach